Thursday, December 19, 2019

Pelosi Screwed Up With Trumps Impeachment

The House of Representatives on partisan support voted to impeach Trump. No Republican and a few Democrats voted not to impeach the president. That’s absolutely critical because if one Republican voted to impeach then it allow the Democrats to call it a bipartisan support.

Soon after the vote, Pelosi told reporters that she would threaten to withhold the two articles of impeachment to the Senate for a trail. This tells me she is a complete moron. Threaten what? What will that serve? Pelosi knew from the beginning that impeachment was political suicide. However, being pressed by rich donors of the elite establishment, she had no choice.

She lost bipartisan support. Adan Schiff lies continuously. Every witness during the public hearing unanimously said there wasn’t a quid pro quo, the transcript between Trump and the Ukraine President was accurate, and all the witnesses admit that the president is the only body that dictates foreign policy and not unelected bureaucrats. Also, every witness were based on secondary and third hand hearsay. Public support for impeachment is waning; especially, for the independents.

Pelosi and the Democrats held secret hearings, leaked closed door testimony to the press, kept the Republicans in the dark, and didn’t allow Trump due process to defend himself. This scenario is liken to Socialist courtroom trail.

Pelosi couldn’t decide how to label Trumps wrongdoing. They used quid pro quo. Since the public were neutral to the word, Pelosi coined bribery, but that was too strong. Extortion was used, but that was short lived. Now, the word obstruction became the word of the day. Of course, the two articles of impeachment of obstruction of congress and abuse of power are very general and weak. Just note, it is obstruction of congress and not obstruction of justice, which is a federal crime. That itself says that the Democrats don’t have a leg to stand on.

There is nothing Pelosi can do. She went over her head. She screwed it up so bad that it may cost her of her speakership and the House Democratic majority.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The FISA Report Is Not Final. Durham Gets the Last Word

The liberals and conservatives are bickering and taunting victory for their side from the recent FISA report that IG Horowitz presented to Congress. Everybody from both sides are claiming vindication. The media has down played it. They are getting vicious in their attack purporting lies to the public that the FISA report didn’t not produce the evidence that the Republicans claim; even though, it did. 

Bottom line, there are 17 errors and omissions that the FBI done to improperly get a approval to spy against and American citizen. In this case, it was a member of the Trump team. Horowitz won’t state it was intentional in his report. In fact, Horowitz can do so much. He can’t call on witness and his scope of authority is rather limited. However, he did find irregularities that shows an intent of spying on a America citizen. 

If you committed 17 errors and omissions at your workplace, I am confident that you are either incompetent or negligent. Either case, you are wrong and may lose your job. This is the same with the FISA report. There was gross negligence to commit 17 errors. I could understand 2 or 3, but not 17. To say it was an accident would be inexcusable. 

I’m glad US attorney who is doing his own investigation in conjunction with IG Horowitz and he finds criminal intent. Durhams report will be presented in due time. Before getting everybody’s panties in an uproar, he made this statement:

It is important for the liberals and the mainstream media not to get too excited for victory. There is more to this collusion. It is Attorney General Barr and US attorney John Durham to give a full and final report to the corruption during the 2016 presidential election. It will disclose those involved in the corruption. Like Trump said, it will be an eye opener. This is Trumps draining the swamp he promise the American people he would do. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

7,700 People Lost Jobs in the Mainstream Media in 2019

The MSM (Mainstream Media) is dying. I would never thought it would happen. I heard the conservative media outlet using that as the narrative for years, but I didn’t believe it. With a robust economy and low unemployment, I thought it was bullshit, but I was wrong, I soon realized it didn’t matter if the economy is striving. There will be pockets within a sector of the economy that would suffer because of supply and demand. With regards to the media, the over saturation of fake news flourishing in our daily lives brought about a public revolt. The job numbers in the media produce close to 8000 jobs loss in 2019.

The public has many avenues to find the news. In the age of the internet, the public are computer savvy to research what is factual and what is crap. We no longer need to get our news from the television or newspapers. We are in a digital age. For a while, the media concentrated putting their biased news on the internet; and for a while, the birth of fake news took hold. It wasn’t until recently, the public took notice.

The conservative website “The Drudge Report” was recently sold off to a biased liberal group. It didn’t taken long for the public to notice and sought out other well known conservatives websites to get the news.

While the liberal left claimed that the job lose was due to restructuring, I find that a bit of a stretch to believe. Jobs lose is due to viewers dismal support and advertising abandonment. Besides, the media is the watchdog and the voice for the Democrat party, The biased news is overwhelming. It is blatant how the media supported, ignored, lied, and praised on Obama’s lackluster and scandalous two terms in office; while lambasted Trump for stealing the election from Hillary Clinton. It is incredulous that the elite media believes the America people are that stupid. Well, the American people had enough. The American people are the voice of America and not the MSM.

7,700 people have lost their jobs so far this year in a media landslide

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pelosi Contemplating Censure Instead Impeachment

Democrats are scrambling to find a way to save face. They screwed up and the only way to cut its losses is to censure than moving forward to impeachment.

The polls are against the Democrats. As members in Congress claimed that polls means nothing, they are lying. Washington live on polls. Even though it is biased in nature, a good, reliable poll can give a general reflection or thinking of a small sample of a population. And the current polls say the American people don’t want an impeachment. The reason is meaningless. The American people don’t want it to happen.

It doesn’t matter how the media lies and spin the narrative; to oust Trump now is idiotic. We are less than a year from election and the Democrats want to oust Trump out from the Oval Office. Just proves the fact, that Trump has made achievements in his first term more than his former predecessors. With a weak Democrat field, the only way to stop Trump is to impeach him.

There are factors stopping the Democrats from moving forward. If this goes to a trail in the Senate, majority of the Democratic presidential field would have to suspend their campaign. That would also include Biden. Since Joe Biden isn’t a Senator, he is still a witness that would have to testify in the Trump impeachment trail. Since there were late entries to the Democrat presidential field, they are considered insignificant.  No late entry didn’t do anything to spur any excitement during an election season.  More likely, these late entries are vying for a Vice-Presidential spot.  This would leave Mayor Pete as the lone front runner for the Democrat Presidential primary race. This would be disastrous for the Democrats because he has no accomplishments or experience to rely on.

With a communist style of impeachment hearings, the public is not stupid to see that it is one sided. It is obvious that the main defendant, Trump, was not allowed to defend himself. Since we are a fair nation governed by rules of law, just witnessing this type of spectacle would scare the common people because it could happen to them too. Thus, supporting for impeachment don’t sit well with the public.

Democrats now realize that Republicans will expose them in a Senate trail. Adam Schiff and Pelosi will not have a say or control once it reaches in the Senate. The Senate will conduct themselves in a matter that would devastate the Democratic Party.

Besides, the Attorney General Barr will be presenting the final report from the criminal investigation that the Democrats tampered with of the 2016 election. Inspector General Horowitz will be presenting a small part of the report on the misconducts done in the FBI that lead to the Russian collusion and their meddling in the 2016 election.

Because of that, the only way to save face is to censure the president. In other words, a slap on the wrist. However, the damage is done. The Democrats wasted three years on a witch hunt. Instead of this bullshit, Democrats should have worked with Republicans to serve the American people who voted for them. If the Democrats vote on an impeachment, they will still lose complete support in 2020. Instead of a severe shellacking with an impeachment, it would be a very bad bruise with a censure. Either way, Democrats will feel the repercussions from their stupidity.

To Save Face Pelosi is Looking to Censure Instead of Impeachment

Friday, November 22, 2019

Trump: Now It is My Turn Adam Schiff

After one week listening to these impeachment public hearing, it was a waste of my time. All I got from these hearings were hearsay, assumptions, and presumptions. I listen to the opposition spin this and it boggles my mind. Whether the opposition are in denial, stubborn, or being stupid, it is fact that there is a right and wrong. In this case, Democrat Adam Schiff ran this hearing as judge, juror, and executioner. He created his own witnesses, rules, and suppressing the Republicans. Everything about the hearings were wrong and the Democrats are hoping the American public are stupid not to notice. It is fact that the witnesses were based on 2nd and 3rd hand accounts, which would never be acceptable in a courtroom. It is fact that no witness can prove quod pro quo, bribery, or extortion. It is fact that it is impossible to hear and understand  a conversation of a cellphone call of two persons without it being on speaker phone.

Now it is over and it’s Trumps turn. Trump wants the Senate to take this to trail. Trump is very confident that he can expose the Washington establishment through his own trail. That means Trump can defend himself with his own lawyers and witnesses. Horowitz, the inspector general, will be releasing a damning report that touches on the main report from US attorney Durham related to the collusion in the 2016 election. Democrats are running scared because they have went too far. Unlike other presidents who would allow the shenanigans to continue, Trump would not have none of it. He’s a fighter and will fight back. The Washington establishment are entering uncharted water with this president. Trump won’t play their rules.

Like the movie The Godfather, it is the ending of the movie and you see Michael Corleone killing off those who betrayed him.  Karma is such a bitch. Adam Schiff is on that list Trump wants the most. Trump will get his chance and it will be a nice Christmas present for the president.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Obama Comes Out to Tell the Democrat Presidential Candidates to Knock It Out

Throughout this election cycle, Obama stayed very quiet. In fact, he had stayed away from his former Vice-President campaign. You would think Obama would be on the stump for Joe Biden, but that’s not the case. However, Obama came out of the shadows to impart some common sense wisdom. Obama realize that Trump is reversing all of his accomplishments and policies; thus making the former president insignificant. To stop the bleeding, Obama wants a Democrat to win the presidency, but that’s not going to happen.

If Obama is pleading to the presidential Democrat candidate to knock it off  and take a step back, it would signify that the Democrats are in trouble. Obama says not to recreate the wheel. Instead, Obama wishes the Democrat candidates to stay in the middle. However, like the impeachment hearings, it’s too late to run to the middle. Every voter in America knows how radical the Democrat candidates want to change America to a version like Venezuela or Cuba.

Advantage Trump!

  Obama Comes Out to Tell the Democrat Presidential Candidates to Knock It Out

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


The open public impeachment inquiry was a joke. I saw Chairman Adam Schiff change a procedural rule during the middle of questioning by the GOP, and had many palm to face moments as Republicans decimated anti-Trump witnesses. It was a spectacle. After three years of bullshit, it came down to this. It was an extremely boring reality show. The media was behind all this from day one. They started with a Washington Post headline saying “Let the Impeachment Begin.”   They created the narrative. As I said many times, Democrats and the Media are dumb. Besides, the media are losing ratings from these public hearings. I don’t think people care. Trump supporters need not to worry. The anti-Trump crowd may need an antacid because the proceedings aren’t going the way they wanted. This has nothing to do about a criminal action. The anti-Trump crowd just want to rid of him from office. It just shows that the Left can’t beat Trump at the ballot box and there is no viable democrat candidate to challenge Trump. Thus, the Left must resort to this.

There is a poll out by Newsweek that Trump approval rating hasn’t change and these public open impeachment inquiry won’t hurt Trumps ratings. Now, it’s important to read deeper into the article. It stated Trumps approval number were rising; not falling. I read that 97% of Republicans support Trump for a second term. Last week, it was reported that 87% of the Republican Party supported him. Impeachment or Not, Trump Approval Rating Remains the SaIn contrast, Obama had a 77% support from the Democrat party for a second term. 

I wish this all stops and get the government back to work. There are a lot of people suffering. These impeachment hearings are preventing our representatives to do their job. I don’t see anything going to  come about from this. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Conservatives Demanding the FISA and Durham Report to be Release

Every conservative outlet are demanding the FISA and the Durham report to be made public. It seems at this point that prosecutions and arrest will be made. It doesn’t make sense withholding the information from the public; unless there are damning evidence of a crime and timing of the release of the information is critical.

Just like playing chess, you have to strategize eight to ten move ahead of your opponent. Honestly, I believe the reports are done and Trump knows about it. There is a video clip on YouTube having Trump to say he know about the FISA report and said

 I think people—I know nothing about it, in terms of the report. I’m waiting for the report like everybody else. But I predict you will see things that you don’t even believe, the level of corruption—whether it’s Comey; whether it’s [Peter] Strzok and his lover, [Lisa] Page; whether it’s so many other people—[Andrew] McCabe; whether it’s President Obama himself. Let’s see whether or not it’s President Obama. Let’s see whether or not they put that in.”

Just reading between the lines, Trump know about the report. He wouldn’t state the names of the individuals involved or it would be another huge narrative for impeachment for the media. So, I’m going to throw out a theory here. Trump is waiting for the right time to have Attorney General Barr to release all the documents to the public. I guess the time would be when the “shit hits the fan” and the lies from the liberal left gets too intense. I would think the report will release once the House impeach. Trump and before the Senate tries to convict him.

Trump is running circles over Washington. He is creating the narrative that was once beholden by the left wing media and the media hates it. Unlike other presidents who are passive, controlled by a wealthy establishment, and dictated by the media, Trump is not a puppet. Trump doesn’t need the money; in fact, he donates his salary to charity. Trump will fight back and the establishment doesn’t know what to do. It is something the establishment had never faced.

So, don’t swear about the report. Trump will be fine. Once made public, the full disclosure of the report will be another narrative that the Left wouldn’t know what to do. Checkmate for Trump.

The FISA and Durham Report Will Be Release When AG Barr Says So

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Washington Establishment Admits Panic Over Democrat Field

The Washington establishment are now worried and admit that the Democrat presidential field are weak. Even though they have a good representation to attract the common voter, their radical idea to take this country toward socialism is not what America needs.

America has always believe that if something isn’t broke, don’t fit it. This country has thrived for generations because of a balance of conservatism with a hint of social liberal reform. When the balance goes either extreme, problems will occur. This is what we are witnessing.

Today’s Democratic field are radical in their approach how they see America. Their social reforms are not compatible to our Democrats way of life. What may be good for one country doesn’t mean it is good for America. Even Bernie Sanders concedes that climate change reform is too expensive to do. Likewise, every Democrat candidate supports Medicare for all or single payer system. This is Obamacare 2.0 and it will be extremely expensive to fund. If Obamacare didn’t work, the likelihood that the government running the healthcare system would be a total disaster. If the government can’t improve and make the post office, Amtrak, the airports and the DMV run efficiently, I highly doubt they can run healthcare. Keep in mind that anything the government does always ends up as a screw up and we, the America people, will end up fixing the governments mistake.

There is a recent poll suggesting that the Democrat voter wants someone moderate and not too extreme. Thus, we have recently seen Mayor Bloomberg throw his hat into the ring. There are others vying to join, but they are waiting for Joe Biden to falter. Once Biden fails to gain support and lose the donations from the Liberal elites, you will see their donation flow to a Democrat candidate with more credible electability. That would be Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, or Oprah.

Honestly, there is no one in the field with the pedigree to be a true leader in the Democratic Party. If only a Kennedy, with the values of a true moderate Democrat like JFK, came into the picture, it would bring a level of concern to the Republican Party. However, that’s not going to happen any time soon. In my own opinion, I expect another term for Trump.

Hillary Clinton, Establishment Democrats Signal Deepening Panic over Democrat Field

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Monmouth University Poll Say No Trust in Impeachment

Monmouth University poll is a reputable poll used by Democrats and Republicans. And they’ve just released a poll on impeachment. which doesn’t look good for Democrats. Unlike other polls from the mainstream media, which favor Democrats, the Monmouth University poll has a balance sample. 

Well, in this poll, it  had a good sample of 29% Republican, 42% independent, and 29% Democrat. It was made up of 48% male and 52% female. It’s pretty fair to say it is a balance representation. 

73% of the people have little to no trust in the impeachment process. 60% say the Democrats are more interested in destroying Trump at any cost. 51% oppose impeachment. Only 37% say that Trump’s actions are clear grounds for impeachment. 

I haven’t seen the media showcasing this poll from Monmouth University. Nancy Pelosi should be very concern with this because her delicate Democrats that won in Trump district are going to lose their seats in 2020. Thus, it will cost Pelosi her Speaker of the House gig. 

Republicans Requests Schiff to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry

Within the House Intelligence Committee that Adam Schiff is the chairman, a high ranking Republican member within that committee wants Adam Schiff to testify in a public hearing. As I said in my last post, Democrats must be stupid. Even with new rules in the House Intelligence Committee that allows Adam Schiff to control everything, I don’t think he expected to testify.

Since it is a public hearing, transcript of any open or close hearing must be made available to the public. This will expose the corruption and maliciousness of the Democrats wanting to impeach Trump at any cost. The Republicans will be asking testimonies from Schiff, the whistle blower, and a array of characters who are biased against Trump. However, this is not the cream of the crop. The encore will be the report from Attorney General Barr, US attorney Durham, and Inspector General Horowitz.  This report will definitely screw the nail on the coffin when indictments and arrest come into fruition.

Wouldn’t this be a nice early Christmas present if this happens? You betcha!

Nunes Formally Requests Schiff to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry, Cites Precedent

(UPDATE: It didn’t take long after this blog was posted that Adam Schiff stated he won’t testify to the committee. He is such a coward.)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Mention Eric Ciaramella on Twitter and Get Your Account Suspended

Twitter began suspending Twitter accounts if anyone mentions Eric Ciaramella, who is the real whistle blower in the Trump impeachment inquiry. It’s pretty stupid. Besides curbing free speech, Eric Ciaramella isn’t the whistle blower that went to Adam Schiff, who is the chairman conducting the impeachment inquiry. That would be an associate that got the information second hand from Eric Ciaramella. So, if Eric Ciaramella wanted full protection under the law, that dumbass should have done it himself and reported it; instead of leaking it to another person.

Are Democrats that dumb?!? Don’t they know if this impeachment goes to the Senate, those Senators running for the presidency would have to suspend their campaign; so that, they may preside the impeachment hearings. It took two months during the Clinton impeachment hearings. It may take twice as long with Trump. That may jeopardize those Senators chances in the Iowa primaries.

Now Twitter got into the action, but the damage was already done. Eric Ciaramella information as the whistle blower has been circulated by Drudge Report and other news organizations for a week. Also, a transcript from Adam Schiff during a close door inquiry accidentally outed Eric Ciaramella.

It’s a little too late to take something back. I tried to understand what would be the benefit from these Democrat rookie mistakes, but I can’t see it.  I guess they are dumb after all.

Mention Eric Ciaramella on Twitter and Your Account Gets Suspended

Impeaching President Trump Will Give Him a Guaranteed 2nd Term

What happens when you pissed off a political base? The answer is you galvanized that particular base. The Democrats, main stream media, and the elite Left are blinded by hate that they need to impeach a sitting president. Instead of allowing the American people to vote Trump out of office, Liberals want to void the 2016 election like it never happened.

Forget what the polls say that suggest a high percent support a Trump impeachment. Instead, look at the support that Trump energized. 86% who support and voted for Trump in the first term would support another term in office . In contrast, Obama had 76% supporting a second term.

Currently, there is no way to stop the House with their impeachment inquiry. They have been focus since Trump was inaugurated to impeach him. The Washington Post, within an hour of Trump inauguration, printed an article that said let the impeachment begin. The House of Representatives voted three times for a formal impeachment inquiry, but failed miserably. The investigations from the Steele Dossier and the Mueller Report were fake.

Even though the economy is doing very well, Congress hasn’t done enough for the American people. They just want to impeach a president who enjoys embarrassing the Washington establishment.

NBC Finds Impeachment Only Strengthens Trump Base

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Bright Side for the GOP from the Election of 2019

I read many articles from the mainstream media after the 2019 elections. The win in Mississippi for the GOP went silent. The media  mostly touted the huge win in Virginia and the governors race in Kentucky. They are saying Trumps star status has faded and his popularity will wane before the 2020 election. Of course. the media, Democrats, and the far left are trembling because they know deep down Trump will win re-election. There are Democrats caught on TV saying if we don’t impeach Trump, he will win re-election.

Base on analytic reports and other relatable election model base on the economy, it showed Trump winning in 2020. Also, in the past 40 years, only two presidents failed to win re-election. They were Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush. Carter economic policy failed the country and George H.W. Bush lied and raised taxes. However, we had Reagan, Clinton. George W. Bush, and Obama winning a second term to the Oval Office. Base on that, there is a strong likelihood that Trump will win a second term. 

It’s a far gone conclusion about Virginia going Blue. It’s turning into another California. But I can’t help looking what happen in Kentucky and smile. Yes, the GOP may had lost the governorship, but there is hope. When the media failed to report the other races in Kentucky, I had to ask why. It is because the other 5 races won in Kentucky were Republicans. And they won huge by double digits with the help of Trump. Prior to the race for governor, the incumbent was already falling behind in the polls because the GOP governor picked a fight with the teachers union. The incumbent was one of the most unlike governors in the nation. I read he was 18 point behind the Democrat challenger before Trump stepped in. After Trump gave a pep rally in Kentucky, pollsters made Kentucky competitive. That 18 point deficit was wipe away, but the incumbent lost by 5000 votes. By looking at that scenario, Trump still have the star power to motivate the masses. If Trump can keep the message alive and bombard that message daily, he will win in 2020

Karma is a Bitch. Kentucky GOP Could Steal Governor Election

It has already started. The trickle down effect of the stupidity of the Democrats for the past several decades has reached its peak. We elected an outsider in Trump to drain the corruption in Washington DC. Now, the antics of the bogus impeachment inquiry has taught the GOP to utilize the Democrat playbook and play dirty.

The GOP are like bad parents and the Democrats are like spoiled children. The Democrats will push the envelope to see so far before the GOP will react. It is the same with parents and children. Children would often cry and pout to get what they want. Parents would react by giving their kids anything to shut them up. However, everything has a breaking point. Parents will punish their child when it gets out of hand. This is what we are seeing with the GOP.

The investigation on the corruption in the 2016 presidential election done by AG Barr, US Atty. Durham, and Inspector General Horowitz has been completed. They are waiting for the perfect time to present it to the American people. Like playing poker, a good poker player never reveal his/her hand and never be the first to go all in. With the impeachment inquiry in progress, the GOP are waiting till the Democrats truly get out of hand before showing their trump card. No pun intended. This is the same similar situation in parenting a rowdy child. The parents wait patiently before they lose their shit and unload a can of whoop ass.

Now, we are seeing the GOP giving a taste of the Democrats own medicine. Like a parent showing the child a consequences to bad behavior, punishment has to be rendered. Sometimes it would work and the child will change their ways; other times, it would be a fail. In Kentucky, the GOP incumbent governor lost by 5000 votes to a very popular Democrat. However, the state has seen voter irregularities in the past. Democrats thought the GOP would concede, but not this time. GOP want to give the Democrats the same consideration. If they so choose, the GOP, which controls the state legislature in Kentucky, could reverse the ruling in favor for the incumbent.

Don’t blame the GOP for mischief. Democrats have been doing it for years.

GOP Can Steal Kentucky Election to Punish Democrats Stupidity

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Eric Ciaramella is the True Whistle Blower

Just going through today’s articles and I accidentally came across this. It’s is common knowledge that Washington and the press knows who is the whistle blower, but can’t divulge his or her identity. The dumbass that Adam Schiff is hiding is a leaker and not the true whistle blower. This leaker probably got everything from Eric Ciaramella. Thus, this leaker got his/her info second-hand.

It’s funny how the true whistle blower true identity is coming out little by little. I wish the impeachment inquiry forget this dumbass leaker and subpoena Eric Ciaramella instead before he gets Hillarized by the Clintons.

Eric Ciaramella is the Real Whistle Blower

Monday, November 4, 2019

Pregnant Mom Kills Home Intruder with a AR-15

This puts a smile on my face. AR-15 seems sensible when you’re out gun and out-manned. If homeowners aren’t  protected and an intruder enters and kills them, the hypocrites in this world would say it’s a tragedy. Well, screw them. I refuse to be the victim. I really don’t care for anyone else. Family comes first. If homeowners don’t protect their family, I call it a tragedy.

Pregnant Mom Kills Intruder with an AK-15

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Jeffery Epstein May Been Hillarized

Daily Show talk show host Trevor Noah asked Hillary Clinton how she killed the billionaire and sex trafficker Jeff Epstein in his prison cell. Ironically, she laughed. She didn’t deny it or admitted to it.  There are reports that Epstein didn’t commit suicide. Some are suggesting foul play. Since Epstein was close to Bill Clinton and may implicate Hillary, Epstein probably got Hillarized. Not the first time a mysterious murder was linked to the Clintons.

Trevor Noah asks Hillary Clinton how she killed Jeffrey Epstein

Friday, November 1, 2019

Trumps Trade War with China is Killing Chinese Economy

The Chinese government is using any means possible to remain blinded by the fact that Trumps trade war is causing havoc to the Chinese economy. While 6% growth isn’t shabby, it’s different with a Chinese  economy that overspent into prosperity and laden in debt. Consumer spending is what drives an economy. As seen in China, the Chinese people are spooked into spending because high unemployment, banks have tighten in their lending, and businesses aren’t growing. With the turmoil in Hong Kong, Beijing is in crisis mode. However, they blame Trump for their woes. Well, he can’t all the credit. Lol

China Economy Struggles are Real. Trump Can Take Part Credit

Whistle Blower is a Disgruntled Employee Eric Ciaramella

This stupid whistle blower that started this Impeachment fiasco is a 33 year old disgruntled employee from the intelligence community. His name is Eric Ciaramella.

Here are some of the hints of the whistle blower. We know he/she worked in the intelligence community, has a connection with a current democrat presidential candidate, a registered democrat, and everybody know except the public. All of this points to Ciaramella.

Whistle Blower Points to Eric Ciaramella

Thursday, October 31, 2019

House Pass Resolution to Continue Impeachment Witch Hunt

House passed resolution for an official impeachment inquiry. It was voted along party lines with 2 Democrats siding with the GOP. However, it’s a sham. Committee chairman Adam Schiff has full control in vetoing and restricting GOP inquiry. Therefore, it’s the same as before, but the public can see it for themselves and decided for what it stands for- a political witch hunt.

House Pass Resolution to Continue Impeachment Witch Hunt

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Kevin McCarthy says impeachment probe won't stop GOP from winning back House in 2020

In the 2020 election, when you head to the poles, ask yourself this question. What has your Representative done for your district? What has the House of Representatives done for this country? Whose fault is it? Would you like to see the same shit to continue for the next two years?

In each question, the Democrats in the House of Representatives has done shit. With the Democrats only mission to impeach the president, they have done nothing for the American people. The Democrats have lied on their campaign promises. They have a fiduciary responsibility to the American people.

It’s a far gone conclusion that change will happen next year because the American people won’t stand for it. It is fact that Trump has more support of his base than Obama. I saw figures stating Trump has an 89% support from his base compared to Obama’s 77% . This is never before seen in modern politics for a president. Thus, Trump will win re-election and the House will flip RED.

Kevin McCarthy says impeachment probe won't stop GOP from winning back House in 2020

U.S. House Democrats Unveil Proposal on Impeachment Inquiry Next Steps

Democrats felt they can pull a fast one against the GOP by going through with a formal vote for impeachment with an agreement that the GOP has a part in the inquiry. It’s a sham. In the inquiry, the GOP has means to take part but under the consideration of the committee chair Adam Schiff. In other words, nothing change. However, with a recent poll stating that America doesn’t want an impeachment suggest those democrats who won in Trump districts will be screwed in the next election. Another stupid move for Pelosi.

U.S. House Democrats Unveil Proposal on Impeachment Inquiry Next Steps

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Poll: Only 36% Say House Should Impeach Trump

In the latest poll, the people don’t want the House of Representatives to impeach Trump. This is not the news Pelosi wanted to hear; likewise, it would prove political suicide for those Democrats that won in Trump territory. Expect a backlash by the American people in the 2020 presidential election. Whether the impeachment passes the House, the GOP controls the Senate. I don’t think it would pass for a conviction. 

Monday, October 28, 2019

House to Vote on Impeachment. Finally!

Pelosi decided to push forward for impeachment in the House of Representatives. I don’t believe that they have any concrete evidence that Trump is guilty for crime or misdemeanor. However, this may be in efforts to nullify the reports from the Barr investigation on Democrats trying to rig the 2016 presidential elections. There are reports the attorney general will be disclosing very soon the FISA Report and Russian Collusion.  Either way, it’s doom for the Democrats. They had no choice but to go ahead for impeachment. Trumps game plan to be a step ahead of the Democrats seems to be succeeding.

House to Vote on Formalizing Impeachment

Sunday, October 27, 2019

House Voted 3 Times for Impeachment and FAILED

We are into our third year enduring the bullshit that the House have tried to impeach Trump. They done it in December 2017, January 2018; and most recent July 2019. Each time was an utter failure.  For the House to do it for the 4th time would be political suicide. So, the House committees with no jurisdiction to give subpoenas started to conduct the witch hunt to impeach Trump. Only Democrats would find ways to twist House Rules. This was not the first time. Democrats had done this as the standard norm.

These Democrats are toxic and blinded by the hatred of this president. It has become a vendetta to impeach Trump by any means and wasting tax payer dollars at the same time. So, what has the House of Representatives have done for you lately? Vote these idiotic Democrats out from the House of Representatives in 2020. Start draining the swamp and put elected officials who would do an excellent job representing  the American people. 

Don’t Be Surprise of a Hillary Clinton Run in 2020

I hate to say this, but a possible Hillary run may be a reality. With impeachment crossing the threshold past the point of no return, there may be an actually House vote on an impeachment.  To disclose a theory, if impeachment passes in the House of Representatives, there is a governing rule that members of the Senate have to preside the entire impeachment hearing. Therefore, any Senator running for the presidency in 2020 would have to suspend their campaign. During the last Senate impeachment hearing of Bill Clinton, it lasted almost 2 months. The chances for Trump impeachment to last that long would be a folly. It took three years to get this point for the House to get evidence for a Trump impeachment. The likelihood that an impeachment hearing in the Senate would take much longer.

Six presidential candidates are Senators. That means Warren and Sanders would risk campaign momentum. That leaves Biden and Mayor Pete as the major contenders since they don’t serve in the Senate. However, Biden is slipping badly in the polls and there is question about his electability, and Mayor Pete, who is opening gay, has electability problems with the black vote. Thus, the only person who can jump into the ring with a known name brand, money, and past presidential election experience is Hillary Clinton.

God Save Us All! Let’s hope I’m wrong on this.

Impeachment Will Affect the 2020 Democratic Race

ISIS Leader Dead by Suicide!

ISIS leader dead! Killed himself before capture. Coward!

ISIS leader al-Baghdadi confirmed dead after apparent suicide during U.S. operation

Friday, October 25, 2019

Trump GOP Turning More Populist

Even though Trump ran as a Republican in the 2016 presidential election, his political ideology was more of a Populist. During his early political career, Trump changed his political affiliation five times. He was originally registered as a Republican. Later, he decided to become an Independent; not once, but twice. Since being as an Independent wasn’t to his liking, he change his affiliation as a Democrat. In fact, Trump said he would always be a Democrat. However, since there were too many seasoned Democrats wanting to be president in 2000. Trumps knew he couldn’t win as a Democrat. Thus, Trump ran as a Reform Party candidate, which failed miserably. As time passed and more soul searching, Trump decided to run as a Republican in 2016 with a Populist platform.

Some say it was a radical move, but many of our founding fathers were Populist. The ideology of a political party has evolved over a generation. In fact, the modern day Republicans were Classical Liberals from days gone by and the Libertarian party was partly morphed from the Democrat Party.

I hate to identify or affiliate myself to a political party because there are so many to choose. It may be Trumps dilemma too. It doesn’t matter if Trump ran as a Republican, Democrat, or an Independent. It would be more important to judge how Trump conduct himself in office. As a Populist Republican, Trump may have created a new political party that I would endorse.

Trump has remade the Republican Party, but at a price

Chinese Scholars Urge Beijing to Sign the Damn Trade Bill

I received several email regarding to my recent post. The three emails had a similar theme stating that USA was getting the short end of the stick.  However, I beg to differ. At the end of this blog will be a linking two articles. One is from CNN. The other is from a Hong Kong English newspaper citing that Beijing needs to sign the trade agreement and end the feud with the USA.

I understand that Hong Kong is on a tight rope with Beijing. In recent months, Hong Kong is under attack of their civil liberties and freedom by communist China. So, as I read the news article, they tried to show that both sides are suffering from the trade war, but I can read between the lines that China is suffering the most.

Let’s use some logic to validate my premise. There are buyers and there are sellers. One cannot live without the other. The more that the seller sells a profit is gained . On the other hand, a buyer will buy what he or she needs. Also, the buyer can only buy what he or she can afford. In a global economy, it is the buyer, not the seller, that controls the purse. To create a profit, you need to a buyer. With stiff competition with many countries wanting to sell their goods and services, it puts China on the same level playing field.  Like buying a house, there could be many houses in the open market, but it takes one buyer to buy that one house. Therefore, who do you think will suffer the most? If China wants to grow their economy, they need capital to do it. America has a choice which county we could do business. It doesn’t necessarily have to be China. There are other countries that could produce stuff that we need and  there are many counties who desire to buy stuff from the USA.

Isn’t competition great? LOL

The problem with China is that they are growing their economy too fast. They are outpacing in their supply side over the demand. They thought the USA will be the sole purchaser of Chinese products. That was pure folly when Trump came into office. As a businessman, Trump understands supply and demand. This was something China wasn’t expecting.

China scholars urge Beijing to sign trade war truce with Donald Trump, but get ready for a prolonged conflict

China is still hurting from the trade war and the pressure is mounting

UPDATE: One more article that the media won’t talk about.  Just stating the fact that Trumps trade war with China is working. This article is from MarketWatch.

Things aren’t looking great for China’s economy and it may only be getting worse

USA Trade War HURTING China Economy

If you listen to the media, they would say the trade war with China would hurt the USA economy. This would be the narrative from every media outlet. Let me enlighten you. It is a complete myth. I blame part on the Trump administration and the media. Tweets aren’t enough. Explanation on facts are lacking. Because no one could articulate an answer, the media shaped, persuaded, lied, and manipulated the narrative; thus, causing massive confusion.

I would agree that we are in a world wide economic recession. It is the consequences being part of a world wide global economy. Every country has a responsibility to boost its own economy. Each country sells goods and services to other counties. However, when government interacts with businesses it can cause havoc to the overall health to the global economy. When government interference prevent a business to have their goods and services to be bought and sold, it affects everybody. For example, when government forces a business with new regulations and increase taxes, it hampers productivity and growth. When a government manipulates or devalues its currency, it makes selling goods and services to other counties cheaper, but buying from other countries difficult.

This is what we are experiencing with China and the trade war with them. Before Trump took office, America had the highest corporate tax in the world. It caused many businesses to flee to counties with a lower tax rate. This cause loss in jobs in America. Because American dollars is the global currency and all world currencies are pegged to the US dollar, it allowed other counties to deflate or devalue their currency to make their goods and services affordable for US to buy them at a very cheap rate. For a prolonged period, China had manipulated their currency to the point to cause a huge trade deficit with USA. In the long term, these trade deficit will affect the overall US economy and GDP. Trump saw this. When Trump took office he immediately slashed the corporate tax rate  making us comparable to other counties, which made us competitive. The result brought businesses and jobs back to America. Next he wanted to narrow the trade deficit with China. If we made China as the world supplier to the global economy, every country would be under the mercy of China.

It’s not a secret that China wants to be a superpower. They give billions of dollars to poor counties with the stipulation if these naive counties are unable to pay, China would take ownership of their  businesses. Even though China has been buying massive amounts of US treasuries, Trump didn’t want America to become a slave to China through unfair trade practices. By leveling the playing field, a fairer, prosperous relationship with China could be seen.

People had asked me that these tariffs on Chinese goods was not bringing revenue to America. They said Trump was wrong to say China was paying the tariffs. Similar to the statement that Mexico will pay for the border wall, I could understand why they didn’t  believe in Trumps comment. I seen the videos Trump claiming that the US was raking in millions and billions of dollars from China on these taxes (tariffs) on Chinese goods, but Trump never explained how.  I was pointed out by these naive conservatives that businesses would pay these tariffs and pass the cost to the customer.

Here was my response. I blame Trump and the mainstream media for not articulating how US are benefiting from these tariffs. Yes, it is correct to say when goods come to the USA, businesses would pay a fee and any taxes (tariffs) on these goods coming from abroad. However, a business has a choice if they want to buy those goods. In regards to China, if a Chinese business wants American business to buy their goods, these Chinese business would pay or subsidized these taxes from their own pocket. It becomes a rebate or a voucher for the American business buying Chinese goods. Thus, the American business doesn’t pay the tariffs because China needs to sell their goods to feed the consumerism in America. Likewise, a Chinese business may offset these tariffs by selling their goods at a discount. Either way, America gets the better end of the deal. This supports Trumps claim that China is paying the USA tariffs imposed on them. Also, this trade war has made other counties competitive for their goods and services. America businesses are able to spend wisely and not be a slave for Chinese products.

It been a year since this trade war with China and their economy is hurting. You don’t see much of it being reported by the mainstream media because anything that Trump does good, it doesn’t get reported.

As long as the US economy is strong with low unemployment, increase in job wages, and a resilient market, let’s continue with the trade war with China. Sooner or later, China will bow to America and create an environment where two counties could live a fairer, symbolic relationship with one another.

USA Trade War HURTING China Economy

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Never Trumper but Got a Change of Heart

It has been a while, almost 8 years, that I was on my keyboard typing my political blogs. I grew disgusted  and disenchanted with politics during the two terms of Obama.  And when America was on the verge to elect a president, I knew it would be a Republican. However, I never would had guess that president would be Trump.

Throughout modern history, we never had a American president who was an outsider or political in nature. The closest president who was regarded as an outsider was the late Ronald Reagan. Before governing the State of California, Reagan was a well-known movie actor in Hollywood. When Reagan took the office of presidency the left wing media, the Washington establishment, and liberal Democrats in Washington DC wanted to destroy him because Reagan was successful, articulate, and a game changer. He took Jimmy Carter’s failed presidency and made America prosperous. Similar to FDR, Reagan was a great communicator to the American people and the liberals hated him.

Since Reagan, we had a series of presidents who were relatively lackluster and riddled with flaws. George H. Bush was a one hit wonder. Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives, but a GOP Congress solidified his legacy with laws that benefited the country. George W. Bush was a mediocre president, but did his best during 9/11. Obama was our first black president, but his radical ideas brought this country into turmoil. Besides Reagan, each of these president were part of the Washington establishment or the Washington elitist. These were the good ole boys with their secret clubs and secret agendas.

Now, we elected Trump. I didn’t vote for him in 2016. He wasn’t the typical politician that I thought would represent this country. He wasn’t in the mold of a Ronald Reagan. Trump was not articulate. He couldn’t put two coherent sentences together. Even with his flaws, Trump connected with the American people. It took me several year to understand Trump and to tolerate him. He represented the American people. He was the first president that kept his end of the bargain by fulfilling his campaign promises. That was something no president had done and I give Trump a thumbs up for that.

I don’t tolerate for social injustices. When I saw Trump been raped, lynched, and undermined because he wanted to make America great again, I had to return from obscurity and defend this president. I could remember hours after Trump was inaugurated in 2017, the media expressed their dissatisfaction by creating the narrative of impeaching Trump and saying he stole the election. So, for the past three years, I had to hear that Trump was an illegitimate president, people claiming to be diagnosed with “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, listening to bogus impeachment hearings, and frustrated with a do nothing Congress. This was too much for me to sit idle. I wanted to be part of the blogging community to support Trump. There needs to more vocal support in the internet for Trump because the left has gone nuts. Not only the left wing liberals, but the radical GOP establishment needs to be stopped too.