Saturday, November 21, 2020

Trump Conservative Court Assigned to Key Battleground States: Checkmate

 Trumps lawyers are going to prove fraud via tampered voting ballot machine. Trump got his conservative court of the SCOTUS to hear the lawsuits on 4 key battleground states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. This is called Queen to King checkmate! Lol 

checkmate reassigns trump-appointed-justices to key election states 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Release of the Kraken has Just Begun

Trump Lawyers Press Conference Election Fraud 2020 

Trumps Lawyers Ready to Prove Election Fraud

  Reports are saying the Kraken will be announce during the Thanksgiving holiday or soon thereafter. Wouldn’t  that be very appropriate to announce it at that time. 

I’m going to predict this scenario. Trumps team will prove fraud. Since the certification of the election is during the early part of December, no one will get 270. Thus will go to the House of Representatives to be decided. In this case, Republican state legislators hold the majority. Trump wins 2nd term. 

Trumps Lawyers Ready to Prove Fraud

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Trump Soon To Release the Kraken

Trump Soon To Release the Kraken 

Im assuming the pageantry we see on tv with litigations and lawsuits on tv, Trump is waiting for the right time to release the Kraken 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Protest FoxNews. FoxNews SUCK

  My prediction. Trump will win reelection that was stolen from him by Biden and the Washington establishment and FoxNews claim as the number one news network will collapse. FoxNews is no different than CNN or MSNBC. FoxNews is losing the core base. Unless, they change their biased format and their left leaning ideology, FoxNews will always suck. Don’t watch FoxNews. Go online to the conservative websites of those FoxNews personalizes and pundits like Hannity, Lou Dobbs, or Tucker Carlson. It’s time to protest FoxNews. Make it hurt the most and that’s in their pocketbook. 

Fox News is now part of the MSM. FoxNews SUCK