Monday, October 26, 2020

Trump Favorability is higher than Obama prior to the Election

 This is all you need to know who will win the 2020 Presidential Election. All presidents of the past guaranteed reelection if they hit the 50% threshold. Obama had 48% and won. However, many Republicans sat out and Romney was a very weak candidate. 

Trump Favorability Rating Higher than Obama prior to the Election

Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump Won The Last Debate Huugeeee!

 Thursday, October 22, 2020, we had seen the final debate between the incumbent President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. 

To summarize, Donald Trump won the debate. You have to YouTube the debate to see in full length. However, there are several points that destroyed Biden. 

Biden says the election is about character. Throughout the debate Biden gave platitudes and bold face lies. Trump made himself an outsider and did a good jobs diffusing the Democrat and the mainstream media’s narrative. The claim that Trump paid $750 in taxes while in the WH and having bank accounts in China was debunked. It’s has been reported as a blurb in the newspapers, but the media only harp the half truths. Trump states as a corporation he paid quarterly estimates in taxes and he paid in excess. The $750 was probably the filing fee to the IRS. The Chinese bank accounts was established before he was president but as a businessman. Trump stated those accounts were closed two years he decided to run for President. 

However, the optics Biden gave would damage his presidency. 

First, Biden did what George H.W. Bush did during the debate against Ross Perot and Bill Clinton.  Biden and Bush looked at their watch. It showed they wanted to be somewhere else instead at the debates. The result cause Bush to lose his re-election bid. 

Second, Biden lied that no one would lose their medical coverage under the Biden healthcare plan or Obamacare 2.0. Stating that no one lost their healthcare insurance, premiums won’t go up, and you can keep your doctor under Obamacare is false, but Biden doubled down on that statement. Even Trump, didn’t felt compelled to argue because the American people know the truth.

Third, Biden will end oil and gas production in America. Yes, he said it. No natter what damage control was said afterwards, it’s damning evidence that he wants America dependent on foreign oil and gas. That itself will cause 10 million jobs. Period!  

These are the three main reason Biden lost the debate, So, don’t forget to vote on November 3 and end Biden career as a politician