Super Tuesday is the day that 1/3 of the delegates will distributed to the potential winners of these Democratic primaries. With precious delegates at stake, several top tier Democrat candidates drop out of the race hours before Super Tuesday. Mayor Peter and Amy Klobuchar ended their campaign hastily. Honesty, these candidates had nothing to lose, but everything to gain. They should have stayed in the race until the results from Super Tuesday primaries were over.
The feeling of being screwed by the system sucks. When it comes to voting in an election locally or nationally, the feeling that your vote doesn’t count has some weight to the matter. It does not matter if your candidate wins or loses. It means you took time of your busy days to drive to a polling station, wait in line to check in, read the amendments to be voted on, submitting the ballot, and head home. How would you feel if you had the opportunity to vote early to avoid the long lines for your candidate and knowing later your candidate drop out of the race. You just wasted your time. If you knew ahead of time that your preferred candidate drop out of the race, you could have voted your second choice.
To vote is a right that all American process. To be denied of that right is to be disenfranchised. The feeling left is being cheated by the system. Thus, the repercussion would lead these disenfranchised voters to sit out in the general election as a retaliation of being screwed. I say cheated by the system because there are reports of pressure for some of these Democrat candidates to drop the race and support Biden, which Mayor Peter and Amy Klobuchar has done. Coincidence!? I don’t think so.
I’m not making an assumption. I’m stating a fact.
In the three primaries in Iowa. Nevada, and New Hampshire, the turn out wasn’t great for the Democrat primary. Even Trump trolled the Democrat primaries with his own GOP rallies in those states, and turn out more people that those who Democrats who campaigned in those states. That is a tall tale sign that Democrat voters aren’t too enthusiastic with the Democrat candidates.
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