Saturday, August 29, 2020

Democrats Leaving Party to Join Trump

 Biden Democrats Leaving in Droves FOR Trump 

CSPAN open line call during the RNC convention should make the DNC very nervous. Democrats calling in expressing frustration and disgust that any rational common sense people would do. God gave use the moral virtues to know what is right and wrong. And what most rational Democrats are seeing contradicts their values. Their eyes are open to the political bullshit from the Democratic Party. They see themselves as pawns. They see themselves taken for granted. 

A poll after the RNC convention showed an up tick for the support of Trump among Blacks and Hispanics. An increase of 9% among Black is more than enough to galvanize a 24% support for this president. Trump had 8% support in 2016. Pundits say he needs 14% to assure a win. Now, Trump got 24% approval rating with Blacks. With Hispanics, it’s above 30% approval rating. Minorities are understanding that traditional democrats are dead. Today’s democrats are not like the Kennedy democrats of the 1960’s. Today’s democrats are vile, leftist, and socialist. The Democrat Party are only good during an election cycle. Most of the time they neglect the base. Democrats care about the vote. Same is true with republicans, but under a populist Trump, he brings results. Promises made are promises kept. 

As you listen to the Twitter link, you can hear reasons why democrats are leaving their party and join Trump. 

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