Wednesday, January 8, 2020

America Neutered Iran. Keep America Great

Please don’t be alarm. The MSM are on the side of Iran and against Trump. If you pay attention to what you watch on tv and listen to the radio, you will get the full understanding what the media are saying minus the toxic rhetoric.

This is what you need to understand.

Iran broadcast that they will launch several missiles to US bases in Iraq. The missiles miss its mark. Don’t be fooled by the media as they loop a clip to repeat itself showing a barrage of missiles being fired at US bases. It is fake new. Iran had to do something to save face without committing a full scale war against USA. No one killed or injured. Property was damage, but nothing to do to cause a retaliation. It was a childish move a spoiled brat would do wanting more attention.

Trump speech to the nation gave a glimpse to the world that the USA is the superpower that doesn’t need the world, but the world needs the USA. Trump reminded that global recession hasn’t affected USA because the US economy remains strong, unemployment low, and USA is energy independent. Trump reminded the world that USA don’t need other countries oil. America is able to produce oil and gas at anytime. Trump suggested that America won’t be highjack by OPEC or any country wanting to manipulate the price of oil. The speech to the nation and the world proclaimed that peace through strength will be the new motto for America. Trump bragged that the he spent $2.5 trillion to improve the military with newer technology and an increase of military force.  This is the same belief that Ronald Reagan used when he was president.

Because Iran knows the capability of the USA, America was able to neuter Iran.

America Neutered Iran via Peace Through Strength 

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