Monday, January 6, 2020

Two Huge Terrorist Leaders Dead and Economy Remains Okay

Back during the 1st term of Obama in the Oval Office, he needed to show some sort leadership to secure a second term in office. That opportunity occurred in May 2011. Obama gave the go signal to take out Osama Bin Laden. Even though rumors suggest that Bin Laden died under George W. Bush’s watch, the Obama Administration reported they took out the terrorist leader responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Actually, Osama bin Laden was more of a figure head and didn’t have a real hand in the orchestrating that diabolical crime. It was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was the mastermind of the attack, and Mohammed Atef, who carried out the plan. Khalid was captured and Atef was killed by a bomb attack. Both are credited under Bush.

Whatever the narrative, the media boasted and lifted Obama as the one who put closure to 9/11. With the stock market moving higher due to low interest rates, but wages moving at a dismal rate, that was enough to catapult Obama to another term in office.

Fast forward to 2020. Under Trump, he was credited to end the terror of ISIS leader al-Baghadadi  and Iranian General Soleimani, who was responsible of many American deaths. Killing both individuals are more significant than taking out an anemic Osama bin Laden. Add to that, Americans are experiencing a real fantastic economy, which can be measure by consumer confidence and how much money American are keeping.  That to itself is scaring the Democrats in Washington.  Trump is following a model that other presidents had done to get re-electioned. Reagan did it. Same can be said for George W. Bush. There has to be a balance between getting it done domestically and internationally. That means keeping the economic machine running and upholding the law; while making sure foreign policy is keeping America safe.

Instead of coddling with the enemy like Obama had done, Trump is showing off the USA military might. Instead of picking up the phone and tell them to stop it like Obama had done, Trump went on the offensive and did something about it. Instead of paying off the enemy like Obama had done, Trump wouldn’t turn a blind eye. Trump exemplify what a true leader should do.

Killing the Iranian terrorist General was significant. Typically, the DOW Jones is sensitive to issues related to international affairs. With Iran, the price of foreign oil has an impact to the DOW Jones, but not in this case. Since Soleimani death, the stock market went up. The reason why is that the markets saw Soleimani as a bad guy and the USA is considered an oil powerhouse.  No more are we being dictated by OPEC and other foreign countries that produces oil. USA don’t need them. We are self reliant. Putting USA into the oil market, there is balance. There isn’t anymore corruption or manipulation to the price of oil and the price of gas.

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